Br. Baby Philippose – Home Call

Br. Baby Philippose, a member of Chathannoor Town Hebron Brethren Assembly, Chathannoor Kollam – Kerala, residing in Shiny Vilasom, Kummalloor (Kaithakuzhy) Kollam – Kerala, who is the father of Br. Kochu Kunju Baby Dammam, Saudi Arabia & Br. Joby Baby Al Hassa Saudi Arabia and Brother In Law of Evg. K. Kunjappy – Chathannoor, Kollam.

Br. Baby Philippose (83 Years) is CALLED HOME. We have been praying for Br. Baby Philippose, who was suffering from heart issues and has been in a serious condition in the ICU of Azizia Medical College – Meeyyannoor Kollam for the last few days. It’s well pleased to our LORD to call him to the Eternal Home, where there is no sorrow, no sickness, no tears, and NO DEATH. Br. Baby Philippose went to be with the Lord around 5:45 PM on 15 DEC 2022.

Wife: Sis. Mariamma Baby (Sis. of Evg. K. Kunjappy – Chathannoor, Kollam)

Children: Emily & Raju (Delhi), Benny & Jincy (Delhi), Shiny & Jiji Salomon (Delhi), Kochukunju & Mini (Dammam, Saudi Arabia), Solly & Babu George (Ajman, UAE), Joby & Bincy (Al-Hassa, Saudi Arabia)

Grand Children: Robin, Lordwin, Bency, Bennette, Ben, Ann, Joel, Jephia, Helena, Abel, Hanna, Hanly

Funeral Details to be announced:

Let us uphold the family members, to the Throne of Grace for Heavenly Comfort and Strength. May the Lord bestow upon them heavenly Grace, Peace and Strength, and Console them with the Word of God. Please pray for the dear ones traveling from different places to attend the Funeral. Please pray that God’s name be glorified through the Funeral Service.

For More Details : +91 735 658 4209

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